Ukraine; Spain donates Harpoon anti-ship missiles  

Among the material that Spain has sent to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion is a batch of five AGM 84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The missiles would have already been delivered, according to the Dutch portal Oryx specialized in military intelligence that collects very precisely all the material delivered to Ukraine since the beginning of the war by the allied countries.

Harpoon | Missile Threat

The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, listed last week in the Congress of Deputies in a generic way, following the department’s policy of discretion, the material sent by Spain to Ukraine, something already usual to avoid, according to the minister herself, so as not to “give clues” about the deliveries. The main novelty in the list provided by the Minister of Defense was the mention of the shipment of “five naval systems.” These “naval systems” would be Harpoon anti-ship missiles, as also picked up by the newspaper La Razón.

Ukraine; Spain donates Harpoon anti-ship missiles  

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